Friday, December 30, 2011

What ?

Dear Bloggy ,

Just what in the world happened ? Such a long long silence ...just what have I done with my life in 2011 ?

Good health on the rise if I must say so . Last July I went and gave a hello to Dr Kevin ...that's for my follow up after last 1st December operation . Doc said my wound is healing very beautifully  and that he is just  amazed . He said it must have the food I have been taking that kind of help in the healing process . Indeed I have been diligently taking good healthy food and am glad everything turns out fine . What more could I asked ? I praised ALLAH SWT for that .

The next task is to take up walking ...and walk and walk and walk . This to be done 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes . Hope that will help to bring my weight down to the desired  kilogram ...this weight is taking a toll on my knees and my foot . It ain't fun . I feel I am living in 65 years old body . Disgusting ain't it .

An end to year 2011 ....and I am stepping out to 2012 with a huge " Welcome " ....

Till then , bloggy .

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ramadhan 1432H / 2011

Dearest Blog ,

How time flies . A year had gone by and now we are welcoming the month of Ramadhan . Fasting time fo the Muslims in the world . Prayers to do in this holy month . I hope to redeem what I had missed last year .

Welcome Ramadhan . I look forward to fast and not feast ....lots of prayers to thank ALLAH SWT too .....

At this time last year I was in a terrible state . Problems with my period and had reflux of the oesophagus . I was practically in and out of the hospital . I could hardly have a good night sleep . My hormones was acting up ...and there was one point when I had to take a sleeping pill .

That didn't knock me out . And I had a terrible hangover the next day . Feeling dizzy . Worst I had to send my children to school . Am lucky  nothing happened to us on the way . Not an advisable thing to do . Dr kevin said something was wrong when after consuming the pill I was still not able to sleep . I stopped taking and threw the whole bunch out .

Yunno at times I was just happy and glad to be admitted  in the hospital ...there  I could sleep and rest ...I was that stressed out .

Till then bloggy ...


Friday, July 15, 2011


Dear Bloggy ,

Ages ya since we last meet up . Am here ...doing fine ...plenty to write actually .but I did not get back to u . The laziness is creeping in...oh wow .. I hate that .

My house is in a terrible state ...every nooks and corners are in an unsightly and distasteful state . Each day I get to clear a part of that junk...hoping to finish off and get back my house . Ohhh how I wish it look as neat and beautiful 2 years ago . No , did not manage to do that . Sighhhhh....

Oh ya gotta  finish off my writing and sending cards to a few friends who are celebrating their 50th birthday this year . Mainly those who were my classmates in primary school . Am glad we are all still in touch . The wonderful world of modern technology...ya we kind of tracked each other down thru Facebook .

Till then Bloggy ....

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Dear Bloggy ,

Dang ...I forgot . We forgot and hubby that is . Our  25th Wedding Anniversary!!

I'm not mad ...but still we could have done something to commemorate the occasion . Oh well...Happy Anniversary to me . We are still together and  happy , guess that's what matters .

Love always

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Honestly ....

Dearest Bloggy ,

Honestly I just gotta shape up in everything ....there's too much procrastination and laziness  creeping in . I hate that .

Worst am ignoring  that creative part of me .  Had not put aside some time to get down to doing my sewing patch work blanket for my daughter , my cross stitch and yes my macrame seems to be on hold . BAd ........!!

On the side I have been in touch with friends : through  Facebook lately ; a quick way to say Hi and check up on them . I do get out of the house ; doing my marketing and shopping and meeting friends along the way . A smile here and there to strangers too ...not necessary that we be friends though . Just to brighten up my day and her day too . Just to cheer each other up is more like it !!

So smile coz its Thursday . Am thankful for that coz the week is almost over .!!

Cheers !!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Am Alright ....

Dear Bloggy ,

Can't believe I did not write anything in here . A month is a long time .

Am ok ...feeling good ...doing alright .

Yunno Bloggy , back to the days when  I was still working in this company , my whole year diary was always filled up with " what to do list for the day " . Things I need to sort out  and attend to . Some of it I need to attend personally ...and some I need to delegate to the clerk .

I need to apply that ' To do List "  too in running this household . Fill up the diary again .

Let's see ...there is my daily routine of taking a shower and dress myself up .  Then a hot cup of Milo and 2 pieces of wholemeal bread to give me the energy for the morning . Then its hopping off to send my two children to school .Then its a stop at the newspaper stand to get my early morning news . Then its off again to home ...this time driving at a leisurely pace ...observing the scenes ..and appreciating the views that nature had to offer .

Reaching home ...I switched on the laptop and catch up on my mails and read whatever my friends had posted on Facebook .

Ok ...gotta stop now Bloggy coz I am behind schedule . I have to wash the morning dishes and clean the kitchen .

Will continue again . Ta - ta for now .

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Wish....

Dear Bloggy ,

I have a terrible headache now . Somehow I was not able to sleep and rest well last night . Its terrible feeling this way if your head is somewhere in the clouds and your body just floating .

There's still plenty of work to do for a homebody like  me . My kitchen is in a mess there . The floor has not been swept past 2 days . And I have newspapers that need to be thrown out . At least my laundry is daily folded  A pat on the back for me .

Talk about my own social life is of non existent . The latest that I'm able to mix with other ladies was the baking class that I joined 3 days ago . It felt  good to reconnect with people who are on the same wave length and interest . I don't know them ...the little conversation we had sure gave me a good welcome break .Though a whole day there threw my daily routine of balance . And now I have to catch up with whatever that needs immediate attention .

I 'll do that after  my much needed rest .....get over this terrible feeling in my head . My wish right now is I hope to get that rest . So am going to switch off my handphone  . Just disconnect myself for a while .

Just hang on with me , Bloggy .

Dancy .

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Worth The Effort

Hi Bloggy ,

Am still feeling tired . But gotta dragged myself out of bed and send the children to school today . My neighbor next door hitched a ride too as he missed his bus .

Anyway yesterday's baking class was worth going and worth the money ...despite the slight deafness in my ear . I thought I could hardly hear the chef and might not enjoy the class . Thank God he spoke in a loud and clear voice .

We had a hands on approach on how to prepare the dough ...understanding  the technique was very important . With more time and experimenting on that recipe I'm sure I could bake as good as the chef too . So far my children are loving the pieces I brought yesterday . That's a good sign .

I just slumped in front of the sofa last night with the telly on . So pretty tired and exhausted after a long day at the baking class. Not enough sleep as I had woken up earlier in the morning .

A slow day today as I have to recoup my energy . The house is in a mess .  Let it be ...Let it be.....

Till then Bloggy ...


Friday, March 25, 2011

Up and Early

Hello Bloggy ,

An early morning for me . I woke up at 3am and could not sleep again. So I thought I might as well get up and get some things done .  I'm going to have a long day today .

Am glad to say I did some important things for the past two days . Get myself to see the Ear , Throat and Nose specialist . The deafness in my right ear was too long for comfort . So I am on another course of medication . A slight improvement now ; which I badly needed . 

The next day I brought along my two children for their follow up with the same Doctor ; sinus problem . Yasmin is doing fine ...but Amir's left nostril was swollen . He had this problem for a long time already  . Hope he will recover soon .

Met Dr Bernard who tended me when I had my reflux . he was kind of amused when he saw me again that day . Asking me what in the heavens was I doing there after meeting me the day before  . Well I quipped that I had some unfinished business at the medical center  . Good to bump into him  .

 Yesterday I brought Amir to another hospital for his follow up with the eye specialist . Thank God he is alright ...but that he have to monitor his situation and not delay in seeing the doctor should his eyes start giving him trouble suddenly going blur of a sudden . He only need to see the doctor for a yearly check up after this .

Today its my turn to be busy . I have baking class and it will be a full day . A hands own approach  how to bake bread and so on . I like this as there is nothing more satisfying than to know that you have the correct method in making this .

 My children are all in bed and hubby is at his night shift . Here I am exercising my fingers so early in the morning . Am not alone as I have the washing machine slugging away and making more noise that could wake up the neighbors . The rice  porridge  on the stove ....that's for breakfast . Hope am in time to cook lunch for them too .

Gotta go now . The washing is almost done . Another round of clothes to put in . Hope the sun is on my side today .....lots of drying to do .

Bye for now . 

From me to you ...



Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Dear Bloggy ,

I put aside my childhood days for the moment . Today I  have a few things to do and decisions to be made .

Lists of things to do like going to the bank and to the doctor . I still have an issue with my ear . There's no  improvement . I 'm still feeling deaf  . My sinus is still there .  Baking class to attend this Saturday will not be  fun feeling  this way . That's how it feels to be handicap .

To the doctor I go today  - first decision made .

I'm supposed to dry the clothes in the sun . But the sun is not cooperating today ....and is playing hide and seek with the clouds and me too.  Another second round of washing is in the machine . So I just have to wait for that batch and send the whole washing to be dried at the laundry .

To the laundry today - second decision .

Do I have time to go to the bank ? And you know what's its like when you are there ....many many people and you have to wait for your turn . See how it goes . Cos the day at the doctor could be long too .

Till then Bloggy .

Loving me ...Loving you...........


Monday, March 21, 2011

My Childhood Part 2

Dear Bloggy ,

To continue about my childhood..............

Well I have a mother and I have a father ...that's where my life begins ...50 years ago in 1961 . To be exact on the 21 September . Here written down for you just in case you forget my birthday .

I addressed my parents as  " Emak " for my mother and " Bapak " for my father . At times these words are shortened to ' Makkkkkkkkkkk..." when used in an emergency mode and ' Pakk...' . Along the way I found out that my friends called their parents like that too . No big deal indeed .

What do you expect ? That I called them as " Mummy " and " Daddy " ?  Now that is out of this world . Come to think of it ...what  if  ....what if .... all my brothers and sisters addressed them as that ? I think all of us would puke , puke , puke . It was just not right ; so not in our system unreal very the acting you know .  .....not in our blood at all. Do you know why ? Its because both my parents are Malays ( and that makes me a Malay too.... in case you forgot ) .

Anyway these two words were the earliest few words I could vocalized and mastered easily when you were about four or five months old . Bet in my cute little voice my parents could easily detect the sound calling for them were from me ....and not from some other creatures .

Along the way ( which way ...I don't remember ) ...I realized some people who were  my neighbors were different from me .They spoke  another dialect that I least understood . And they called their parents as " Indai " or " Apai " . And the Chinese neighbor across the street called theirs as " Ma " or " Pa " . Cute ain't it .

Now at that time ,  Indians were not in existence in my neighborhood . Indeed a rare species .  I would have added these words  " AMMA " and " APPA " to my vocabulary very much early  if only we had crossed paths at that time  .

Emak and Bapak had always been there in my life . 24 hours a day ....365 days a year . That's because my mother was a housewife and my father's nature of work did not require him to travel far . So we all saw him every day at the end of the day .

My mother was the constant fixture ...she was always there tending to us all . When night fell... everybody would flock back ; take shelter to what we brothers and sisters  called " HOME " .

Yeah....I am proud to say....I am not from a broken up family . And I owe it to my parents for being there for  each other for whatever the upheavals that came their way . I thank God ...ALLAH SWT for everything too.

That's all for today Bloggy . I write some more should I have more ideas .

Loving me...Loving You ....


My Childhood Part 1

Dear Bloggy ,

What was my childhood like ? As I am writing this , I can feel the pressure my brain cells are doing now ; its  flipping thru the pages in my memory . Point is where do I begin ?

I have to stop now . Have to pause and gather my thoughts . That's the best thing to do . In the mean time I dry out my laundry and get my 5 minutes dose of  vitamin D .

See ya soon .

Oh Go Away ....

Hi there Bloggy ,

How do u feel today ....that is if you have any feelings at all...or rather it be the other way round ..pouring out all my feelings to you . That's why I write in this blog dairy right ? Writing down my thoughts ...and perhaps along that way ...part of my feelings are revealed too .

Today I don't feel too good . I have been to the doctor twice ...I have a slight cough,  my nose is blocked ...I don't sneeze and the phlegm is still as thick as ever . That when I coughed now and then its just there ...that not so nice puke sound . Its just not right .

I landed on the sofa early this morning at about 0900.  The medication  made me a bit drowsy . Well I rested  for an hour feeling  good and refreshed after that . By that time I  could  feel my right ear going a bit deaf / block . Am  hoping  all this feeling of unpleasantness will go away soon .

The Indonesian helper came helping  me washed the bathroom upstairs while I cleaned and swept Amir's and Yasmin's room . She mopped the floor . She did  a few other things ...I paid her RM25 for a 3.5 hours of work .

She's one kind of a woman ...calling me now and then when she should come in to clean . There are a couple of  them around ...all looking for jobs and they would be on their bicycles early in the morning ; hoping some housewife would want their help . I guess its very competitive for them . I bet she don't want to lose me . 

Honestly , I do need her to come in and clean now and then ...about once or twice a week . At 50 years old I feel I have other things to do that need more of my energy . At least I don't have to rush ...rush ...rush leaving me feeling exhausted by the end of the day . Sure .. I lose my Ringgit Malaysia ....but on the other hand  I had done some positive work that made me feel good baking buns for my children ...

Till then bloggy .........

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Old Routine Is Back

Dear Bloggy ,

By that I meant school break is over . And we are all trying to get back to our old morning school day routine .

Routine for my two children is that they are to go to school , be in their school uniforms , look neat and presentable and to ensure homework is done and no books needed for the day is forgotten .

The routine for me is to ensure Yasmin and Amir are awake ...not much of a chore as so far so good they are able to wake up on their own . If they don't ...well can bet the earful barking orders I can give them should they choose to ignore school day . Unless of course they are sick . That too I will counter check to ensure they are really really sick and not fit to attend class .

Routine for me is to ensure their school uniforms are cleaned and ironed . That they have their pocket money. That they don't forget anything needed for school etc etc etc. That they take their breakfast . That we hit the road by 0700. And that I don't forget to pick them up again at the designated time .

After dropping them off at school ,  I'm off to the Sunday Market looking out for fresh fish , fresh chicken and fresh vegetables and fruits . One can get fresh jungle products too . Like the ' paku pakis .' Then I'm off home enjoying the quietness of the house ...enjoying my own company ..." just me time " at the moment .

Have a nice day to all the folks out there ......

Times In My Life

Dear Bloggy ,

I am not going to be apologetic for the long silence . Not that I am that extremely busssssssssssssyyyyyyy....nor am I that lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too.

Life just goes round and round ...the world turns and turns and now its almost end of March . Looking back I have not accomplished much .

My house is still in a mess ; I have clutters here and there . And all over the place . I have not stopped trying to make my house a better place to stay so that cleaning is done so much easier and faster . I am constantly throwing things out . Somehow I never seem to get there . That house that I want ...cosy and neat ...

If I were to meet my long ago colleagues am sure they are bound to ask me " How's life ? What have I been up to ? What am I doing ? " And the most dreaded question " ...How's life as a housewife . It must be boring ...."

Boring ? Wish that word exists in my daily life . I am up to my neck and nose now with  work , work and work . At times I am at a point of being suffocated . Stressful ? U betcha ....!

But I know how to get over it . I just curl myself up in front of the telly ..... a book  in my hand ... put my feet up and Resttttttttttttttttt for an hour  or so . Sometimes 2 or 3 hours ...if there happens to be a good show on the telly .

Okay . Gotta move on now . Got to close up my house for the night . It  needs a rest too yunno .

Till then .hugsssssssssssss

Friday, January 14, 2011


Dear Bloggy ,

A blackout of news from me . Sorry about that . Was still feeling tired and I can't figure out why .

A hive of activity among my neighbors today , Bloggy . Ponggal Day for my Hindu neighbors . The whole episode of being busy busy busy started yesterday of cleaning   up their house and  hosed down their  front porch . Could see them putting up some decorations at their doorways . Mango leaves tied up and strung and sugar canes at their door ways too .

 I could hear bells being rung since early morning . Each house was doing that as they started their prayers . Could hear chantings too being played out loud on cassette players . Quite a riot actually level of tolerance and acceptance at its best now . My nostrils being tested to its maximum as am inhaling a high dose of incense burnt by my immediate neighbor .

I know another neighbor was busy boiling rice and milk in a pot outside their house ....a way of saying thank you to the Sun God ....for the abundance and plentiful harvest they made . None of my neighbors are farmers though ...but somehow they followed  this tradition of saying thank you to the Sun .

A buzz of excitement from my neighbors as the milk started to boil . I did not hear any shouting of Ponggol Ponggol .I wish I could go over and take a few pictures but at times we have to respect them and let them do their obligations in peace and not being  spied on ...

Another neighbor put out a display of fruits ..apples , sugar canes and bananas in the sun . Two sticks of lighted incense stuck into a banana , plus some flowers and the cooked rice and milk in another plate . I saw Arvin ( my immediate neighbor ) with the lamp in his hand praying to the sun .

Ooooo...I just have to close  all my  doors as the incense smell is getting too overbearing . Could caused one to puke and feel nauseated too if inhaled too much . Plus headaches too .

Gotta go now . The need to go marketing and send my children to the library . Now when am I going to do my baking ?

Just me ....


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blast From The Past

Dear Bloggy ,

Can't believe I am in my own house now . Five days ago I was in Miri ....meeting my sister and catching up news with my brothers who dropped by the house . Of course meeting and hugging my darling father was the top most priority . It was good to be home...familiar smell , familiar atmosphere and familiar faces . Home sweet home .

An old childhood friend and her daughters came over to my father's house . It was just great to have met her again ; sharing and comparing news . Yes ...the friendship withstand the test of time . So much laughter as past episodes were dug up and shared with her family . How they laughed and could not believe the antics her mother and me were up to . 

It was sweet of her to take me out for a spin in her car as well as to meet up with somebody from the past . Somebody who had scared the living daylights out of us . How this guy would stop us in our tracks just to check on our bicycles . We were just at his mercy . How we cursed and swore at him after that .

Of course he could not recognized me . But when I mentioned my late brother's name who happened to be his colleague , the puzzles fell into place . We were able to talk of the past and the present . I can't believe he was so well behaved in his ordinary clothes ; and not in his uniform . He had since retired and am now doing his business of selling ' satay ' . 

Ya a way I was glad to have met him again . Bet he can't believe he was haunted by his past ; bet he can't believe somebody got to tell and remind him of the things he did to us when we were kids . Bet he felt sheepish about it to be confronted in his old age . 

Honest to God intention is just to meet him ; how he looked as we all aged . I just want to say I'm sorry too for all the nasty remarks I had made years ago . He was caught by surprise when I asked for his forgiveness . He smiled as we ' bersalam '  and parted ways .

I felt good now that I had met that somebody from the past...somebody who shared a part of my childhood ; who became a part of my memories too .

I gotta go now Bloggy ...plenty of things to do in this house now that I am home .

Till then..........
