Saturday, January 8, 2011

Blast From The Past

Dear Bloggy ,

Can't believe I am in my own house now . Five days ago I was in Miri ....meeting my sister and catching up news with my brothers who dropped by the house . Of course meeting and hugging my darling father was the top most priority . It was good to be home...familiar smell , familiar atmosphere and familiar faces . Home sweet home .

An old childhood friend and her daughters came over to my father's house . It was just great to have met her again ; sharing and comparing news . Yes ...the friendship withstand the test of time . So much laughter as past episodes were dug up and shared with her family . How they laughed and could not believe the antics her mother and me were up to . 

It was sweet of her to take me out for a spin in her car as well as to meet up with somebody from the past . Somebody who had scared the living daylights out of us . How this guy would stop us in our tracks just to check on our bicycles . We were just at his mercy . How we cursed and swore at him after that .

Of course he could not recognized me . But when I mentioned my late brother's name who happened to be his colleague , the puzzles fell into place . We were able to talk of the past and the present . I can't believe he was so well behaved in his ordinary clothes ; and not in his uniform . He had since retired and am now doing his business of selling ' satay ' . 

Ya a way I was glad to have met him again . Bet he can't believe he was haunted by his past ; bet he can't believe somebody got to tell and remind him of the things he did to us when we were kids . Bet he felt sheepish about it to be confronted in his old age . 

Honest to God intention is just to meet him ; how he looked as we all aged . I just want to say I'm sorry too for all the nasty remarks I had made years ago . He was caught by surprise when I asked for his forgiveness . He smiled as we ' bersalam '  and parted ways .

I felt good now that I had met that somebody from the past...somebody who shared a part of my childhood ; who became a part of my memories too .

I gotta go now Bloggy ...plenty of things to do in this house now that I am home .

Till then..........



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