Saturday, March 19, 2011

Times In My Life

Dear Bloggy ,

I am not going to be apologetic for the long silence . Not that I am that extremely busssssssssssssyyyyyyy....nor am I that lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too.

Life just goes round and round ...the world turns and turns and now its almost end of March . Looking back I have not accomplished much .

My house is still in a mess ; I have clutters here and there . And all over the place . I have not stopped trying to make my house a better place to stay so that cleaning is done so much easier and faster . I am constantly throwing things out . Somehow I never seem to get there . That house that I want ...cosy and neat ...

If I were to meet my long ago colleagues am sure they are bound to ask me " How's life ? What have I been up to ? What am I doing ? " And the most dreaded question " ...How's life as a housewife . It must be boring ...."

Boring ? Wish that word exists in my daily life . I am up to my neck and nose now with  work , work and work . At times I am at a point of being suffocated . Stressful ? U betcha ....!

But I know how to get over it . I just curl myself up in front of the telly ..... a book  in my hand ... put my feet up and Resttttttttttttttttt for an hour  or so . Sometimes 2 or 3 hours ...if there happens to be a good show on the telly .

Okay . Gotta move on now . Got to close up my house for the night . It  needs a rest too yunno .

Till then .hugsssssssssssss

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