Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Dear Bloggy ,

I put aside my childhood days for the moment . Today I  have a few things to do and decisions to be made .

Lists of things to do like going to the bank and to the doctor . I still have an issue with my ear . There's no  improvement . I 'm still feeling deaf  . My sinus is still there .  Baking class to attend this Saturday will not be  fun feeling  this way . That's how it feels to be handicap .

To the doctor I go today  - first decision made .

I'm supposed to dry the clothes in the sun . But the sun is not cooperating today ....and is playing hide and seek with the clouds and me too.  Another second round of washing is in the machine . So I just have to wait for that batch and send the whole washing to be dried at the laundry .

To the laundry today - second decision .

Do I have time to go to the bank ? And you know what's its like when you are there ....many many people and you have to wait for your turn . See how it goes . Cos the day at the doctor could be long too .

Till then Bloggy .

Loving me ...Loving you...........


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