Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tonight's The Night ...

Dear Bloggy ,

Just gotta tell you some old childhood friends are gathering tonight at another friend's house . Not able to go Bloggy as I am still recuperating . Am happy for them to make the gathering a reality . Heard that its a real big happening night . Congratulations !

Its okay Bloggy , someday ...I will do the gathering too ...Insyaallah . Just between some close old neighbors and some close friends . Would love to have their company again . Its been 30 odd years since we last met and that's a long time .

Not that I like to hang on to the past .and go emotional and bonkers over it . I am not to that extend . My emotional quotient is in check and is balanced . One only have the past as memories .

And friends are like gold to me . I can't imagine life without friends . All my life I am surrounded by them ...those days of growing up ; then into my teen years , my adult years ....they are there . They enriched my life .

I am proud to say I am still in touch with lots of them ., Bloggy . And I hope to do so in many years to come.

Till then ,,,Bloggy . Cheers to u and me .

Just me


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