Thursday, December 9, 2010

9 Days Later

Dear Bloggy

Nine days after my operation , I had to go out and do some marketing . Sister in law and the grandnieces came along . Much as I tried to avoid being too active too soon , I just don't have much choice .

Hubby is on morning shift . I can't rely too much on him today as he has a host of work related problems to tend to . And I know he would be coming home late tonight .

So pretty much early in the morning we went off to the nearest hypermarket . Good to go early as there will be less people , more parking spaces and less stress ...especially when you have kids in tow .

I tried not to overwork myself and was pretty mindful of my condition . Yes , the problem of that light brown blood discharge is still there . I hope it will ease off soon . And I hope the doctor is right that it is my period .

Reaching home and after resting for a while I had to go send off my son for his Chemistry Tuition at a center in town . Again the kids tagged along ...happy to get out of the house and do some sight seeing .

Not a pretty sight and experience in town today .

There are lots of pot holes on the road due to the rain . The grass at the side of the road are long and the authorities seemed not to be concerned . Worst I came across a guy who left his young son in the car with its engine running . This kid was alone and crying his heart out .

It so happened I parked my car along side this car while daughter Yasmin hopped off to walk to the post office to post some letters . This car was heavily tinted and I could only see the kid's shadow . I tried to see if there is another adult in the car . I could not see any .

Curiosity got the better of me and I was out of my car . Sure enough the kid was alone with tears streaming down his eyes . I opened the car door and was surprised it was not locked . That was when I realised the car engine was running .

Well what could I do except to wait for the dumb dumb parent to get back . Ten minutes later he arrived and I asked him if that was his car . And he said yes . And I said you left your child alone in there . And he said his son is used to being left alone .... besides his son would not opened the car door to strangers . And I said , well yunno what the car door was not locked . And he said ..." Isn't it ? " .

He got in his car and I opened the door of the passenger side . And I said ..." Awak jangan buat macam ni lagi tau ..." in a very sterned voice . I was just pissed . Well ...he just shrugged off giving that air of ' So what ....' to me .

Honestly I myself felt like knocking my head at the road side for being such a busy body over another person's child while the parent concerned don't give a hood over his son's safety .

Till then Bloggy .

Just me


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