Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Today ...

Dear Bloggy ,

Today as I looked out my kitchen door I was greeted by a pair of big round eyes . I can't help but smiled and greeted her . She didn't move an inch but stared continuously at me . I don't know what was in her mind but I guess she was asking where in the heavens did I vanish to for the past 1 week . Yep those alley cats are doing fine . Rollicking and having fun in the sun . That's good .

I was thinking out loud what 2011 holds for me and my family . One thing I know I will still be the driver to my children . A hectic schedule beckons me as second son is in Form 5 and will be sitting for his SPM examination .

Only daughter is in Form 4 . So far she is picking up the needle and trying her hand to do simple embroidery stitches . Hope she will get the hang of it and hope it will be a part of her life to fill up her time ...instead of yunno hogging the TV and computer .

Eldest son will have another 1 year to finish up his studies . Hope everything goes well for him . Hope he is winning the battle over the bulge . Yeah I promised him a new set of wardrobe should he beat it . Am so proud of him to pick up the challenge to address his problem .

As for me and hubby ...Insyaallah we will hit the 50 years old mark next year .Insyaallah . We hope to be in the best of health and in ALLAH's grace always .

Just me Bloggy ,


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