Friday, December 31, 2010

1st January 2011

Yes Bloggy ............,

2011 we come . I sat in front of the telly to welcome it ..seeing  all the fireworks .at the stroke of midnight . I felt good welcoming the New Year in a happy and peaceful country .

Earlier on my Indian neighbors had a small gathering . We were invited too . I did not prepare anything as it was just too short a notice  .Last night's gathering meant we get to meet and mix with the neighbors again . It was good mixture of neighbors ...Chinese , Malay and Indians . The food were simple , nice and tasty . The Indian chicken sambal  was just good.....slurpppppppp!

Yep ...2 rounds of fireworks were let off ....and turn that patch of grass into a red messy bits of paper . Oh oh son and a few other neighbors had been cleaning that area and the drain besides it in the evening . Cleaning  it free of dried leaves and twigs and grasses .

I found out that another neighbor would be having her C section today welcome her 2nd child ...a baby boy , Let's hope all goes well for her and the baby . I would only be meeting her in another month's time as she would be spending her confinement days with her mother in law .

Another neighbor said she is still not in the best of health after her cyst operation 6 months ago . She's 40years old but she felt as if she is in a 60 years old body . I told her to take plenty of rest . Get somebody to help clean the house for the next 6 months . Then she only need to just focus on her work and her cooking for the family . She said she intended to do so . We shared a couple of health issues that had been troubling us in year 2010 . I felt good too .....

Yes Bloggy .....I look forward to year 2011 . We embrace it together okkkkkkk....?!

Just me


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Goodbye 2010

Hello  Bloggy ,

New Year's eve today .... Hello 2011. I am looking forward to a good 2011 ; embracing you now . Good wishes to all .....Hugssssssssssssss

Love you all too.

Just me

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Be Thankful

Dear Bloggy ,

Alhamdullillah I woke up feeling fresh today . I had a good night sleep . I saw the football match between Malaysia and Indonesia last night on the telly ...though I did not see till the end . I chickened out the last 30 minits of the game when the other team managed to get even with Malaysia . Hahahahaahah getting cold feet for comfort !

I have to be thankful to the Malaysian Team that we won  . Congratulations ! I have  to be thankful too on these :

1 ) To my family ....I am thankful to them  for everything . Well ...there are times when u feel frustrated and annoyed . Get life is not sweet roses all the way . There are ups and  downs as one sails thru life . But imagine life without a family . I would  be all alone . I would feel lonely . I know I would be feeling down too. So to my family  here's hugs to all of u .

2 ) To my children ....I am glad and happy and am thankful to ALLAH SWT that with ALLAH's grace all have grown up ; just as I have envisioned you would be . You all have a long way to go but do look forward to the  future . It holds so much hope . Work hard as success is not something to wait ....its something to work for . I wish you all a future with much success .

Congratulations to my daughter Yasmin Fatimah . U did it girl ! 

To my son Amir Ajmal ...all the best for your SPM 2011 . Do work hard !

To my son Uzair Ibrahim Lu pursue your future plans . Someday U will look back with great pride on all that you have done to reach these special achievements .
I love u all .

Just me 


Monday, December 27, 2010

Thank God ....

Hello there Bloggy ,

A pretty cool morning today . Plenty of clouds in the sky ....could hardly feel the sun's rays . Hope its not going to rain as I have plenty of things to do today.

To update you ...I thought I was going through another phase of bleeding again when I saw blood oozing out . I stayed cool and was asking myself how it could it be so as I had been perfectly without any discharge for the past 7 days .

I tried to recall the activities I had done . I know for sure I did  not do any heavy  exercise . I only walked about in my house ...went up and down the staircase and the occsional drive to town to buy things and that too was assisted by my daughter especially when it comes to lifting all the plastic bags out of the car .

I just can't sit down the whole day as it hurt my back . I need the blood to flow too thru out my body . I need to move as I feel unhealthy staying put the whole day long . It kind of make my mind and body sick .

So when I saw another discharge of fresh blood , deep in my mind I know it could be my period . But I could not assume it is so . I need to be 100% sure . So to the hospital I went again .

The doctor too could not say it is my period . To confirm he have ' to go in" and see . Yes ...he said it is my  period . Both of us were relief . On top of that he said my wound was healing pretty well . There is a thin layer of new skin growing . 85% healing process is a good sign . Go for a holiday he told me . Just don't do any heavy exercise , avoid constipation and abstain for the next 1 month .

That's the best news I have heard . Thank God for the period as it gave the doctor an opportunity to check and confirm I am okay and fit for my flight to Sarawak .

Insyaallah the next trip to the doctor will be on the 25th January 2011. For my follow up .

Yes.........Welcome 2011.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Drive

Bloggy dear ,

Just want to tell you I drove out to town today , to send my son to his tuition class . The whole gang tagged along ...minus hubby and my sis in law . After dropping my son  we hanged around at a shopping mall for an hour and a half ; then back again to pick him up.

Reaching home there was a card for me from an old Danish friend . Felt good to have heard from her again . She was not in good health too for the past few months . I felt sorry for her . I thought I was the only one down in the pits .

Oh ya Bloggy , the so called pinkish blood discharge has stopped for today . There's only a tiny bit of brownish stain . I do hope that's a good sign for me . If so I would like to say good riddance to all those blood that keep on oozing out now and then . In the mean time ...I still have to slow down and get myself fit for my travel to Miri .

Another thing ...early this morning I finally completed my cross stitch . The word " Welcome " looked so beautiful in its assortment of colors . I gotta wash it first , dry , iron and send it for framing . Took me 17 days to complete that project and I am proud of  my achievement .

Knowing I managed to complete my cross stitch sewing project made me feel so inspired .Welcome to my new life bloggy . I look forward to the future ....good health for me and my love ones . 

Just me 


Sunday, December 19, 2010

19 Days

Dear Bloggy ,

My 19th day today after the operation . I saw the doctor last friday . Some pink blood on my nappy liner . Until today it is still there . If only I'm not allergic to tracimine acid ...any blood discharge would have stopped a long time ago .

When will it end ? I hope it will stop in a weeks time . The doctor said I could make the trip to Miri . Hope he is right . Yes , I  have to send my sister in law home . School has reopened by 2nd of January 2011. My flight is on the 4th and will be flying here again on 8th January .

The doctor gave me some antibiotics that day . Twice daily for the next 4 days . Another 2 more days to go to finish the whole course . I have asked a friend to get me some fresh supplies of " Ikan haruan "...hope she did not forget to inform her brother . Its said that these fish do us good for those who had done a major operation like mine .

Insyaallah Bloggy ...Insyaallah ... I hope ALLAH SWT will grant me good health . That's all I need . It can be quite depressing when you are not getting better any faster . In the mean time  I still have to ' bepantang ' where food is concerned , my movements and activities ....

Its a good feeling to write down how I feel and how I am progressing .....Just bear with me okay ?

Just me


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Tonight's The Night ...

Dear Bloggy ,

Just gotta tell you some old childhood friends are gathering tonight at another friend's house . Not able to go Bloggy as I am still recuperating . Am happy for them to make the gathering a reality . Heard that its a real big happening night . Congratulations !

Its okay Bloggy , someday ...I will do the gathering too ...Insyaallah . Just between some close old neighbors and some close friends . Would love to have their company again . Its been 30 odd years since we last met and that's a long time .

Not that I like to hang on to the past .and go emotional and bonkers over it . I am not to that extend . My emotional quotient is in check and is balanced . One only have the past as memories .

And friends are like gold to me . I can't imagine life without friends . All my life I am surrounded by them ...those days of growing up ; then into my teen years , my adult years ....they are there . They enriched my life .

I am proud to say I am still in touch with lots of them ., Bloggy . And I hope to do so in many years to come.

Till then ,,,Bloggy . Cheers to u and me .

Just me


Friday, December 10, 2010

What A Laugh ...!

Dear Bloggy ,

When you are hospitalised for a couple of days and you only have the nurses for company round the clock , you kind of get closed to them over time . You observed their daily routine , their shifts and get to know their names too .

And when one is stuck in a small room with just the white walls to stare at and a 14 inches TV mounted on the wall for company you kind of appreciate it when these nurses dropped by . I got to talk to them , smiled and laughed along the way . You gotta keep up your spirits or you will feel like you are in the dumps . That's bad for your health .

As they go about doing their tasks , I liked to ask them questions and yes they were happy to respond . Most would linger a little longer in the room before they rushed out to tend to another patient . Tasks here meant checking my blood pressure and my pulse rate ; asking me how I'm doing . Some just dropped by to say ' Hi '.

Honestly ,when you are the only Sarawakian patient on the block ...u kind of get special treatment . Plus when one have a name like mine the plot gets thicker as most tried to figure out what my race is and where I'm from and why my name is so strange .

I don't look like a Malay , nor a Chinese and definitely not an Indian . Aha.....I must be a ' Siam ' woman ....meaning I am originally from Thailand . One must know what race one is because it affect how the nurses are going to address you .

Like if you are a Chinese or Indian the nurses would address you as " Aunty . ' If you are a Malay they will call you ' Kakak " . Thank goodness least they didn't call me " Mak Cik " ...that will be the day and I know my heart will skip a beat .

And that's when I noticed the nurses there are 99.9% either Malay , Indians or Chinese . Just 3 races and you could easily identify these nurses as to which race they belong to .

So easy to identify . No headaches . This doesn't apply in Sarawak though . With so many indigenous tribes one have to be mindful as to what race they belong to . One thing good with the name tags they are wearing , we know if one is a Muslim , Christians or Buddhists . Hindus come in far and between in hospitals there they are kind of being the rare species .

Gotta go and iron my clothes , Bloggy . We keep in touch ya ....

Just me


Thursday, December 9, 2010

I Am ...

Dear Bloggy ,

Today I just want to begin my paragraph with ' I am ...."

I am hoping for a speedy recovery . The word speedy reminds me of the cartoon show Speedy Gonzales . What was it about actually ? All I could remember was this coyote with legs that move so fast . Hope to catch this show on TV again .

I am wearing another piece of shirt over the T shirt I am using . Its pretty cool tonight . To complete my attire , I am using a pair of socks and my son's cap to cover my head . I am going nuts ?

I am reading comics before I go to sleep . Archie , Veronica and Betty and Jughead . I smiled to myself and laughed silently over the misadventures they had , the love affairs and the daily happenings in their lives . I am asking myself I alright ?

I am hearing the loud and thunderous row of the train passing by my house . At times I could feel the earth move under my feet . But its not so bad depends on the type of train that so happened to pass by . The small ones makes less noise of course . This I called the baby trains . Then there's the mummy trains becoz they sound kind of more feminine and then there's the papa trains ...these of coz being loud and bossy . I am asking myself any grandmother and grandfather's trains out there ? Hmmmm...

I am telling myself I need to go to sleep now . The bed looks so cosy beckoning me to go to slumber land . So till then , goodnite , bloggy .

Just me


9 Days Later

Dear Bloggy

Nine days after my operation , I had to go out and do some marketing . Sister in law and the grandnieces came along . Much as I tried to avoid being too active too soon , I just don't have much choice .

Hubby is on morning shift . I can't rely too much on him today as he has a host of work related problems to tend to . And I know he would be coming home late tonight .

So pretty much early in the morning we went off to the nearest hypermarket . Good to go early as there will be less people , more parking spaces and less stress ...especially when you have kids in tow .

I tried not to overwork myself and was pretty mindful of my condition . Yes , the problem of that light brown blood discharge is still there . I hope it will ease off soon . And I hope the doctor is right that it is my period .

Reaching home and after resting for a while I had to go send off my son for his Chemistry Tuition at a center in town . Again the kids tagged along ...happy to get out of the house and do some sight seeing .

Not a pretty sight and experience in town today .

There are lots of pot holes on the road due to the rain . The grass at the side of the road are long and the authorities seemed not to be concerned . Worst I came across a guy who left his young son in the car with its engine running . This kid was alone and crying his heart out .

It so happened I parked my car along side this car while daughter Yasmin hopped off to walk to the post office to post some letters . This car was heavily tinted and I could only see the kid's shadow . I tried to see if there is another adult in the car . I could not see any .

Curiosity got the better of me and I was out of my car . Sure enough the kid was alone with tears streaming down his eyes . I opened the car door and was surprised it was not locked . That was when I realised the car engine was running .

Well what could I do except to wait for the dumb dumb parent to get back . Ten minutes later he arrived and I asked him if that was his car . And he said yes . And I said you left your child alone in there . And he said his son is used to being left alone .... besides his son would not opened the car door to strangers . And I said , well yunno what the car door was not locked . And he said ..." Isn't it ? " .

He got in his car and I opened the door of the passenger side . And I said ..." Awak jangan buat macam ni lagi tau ..." in a very sterned voice . I was just pissed . Well ...he just shrugged off giving that air of ' So what ....' to me .

Honestly I myself felt like knocking my head at the road side for being such a busy body over another person's child while the parent concerned don't give a hood over his son's safety .

Till then Bloggy .

Just me


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Today ...

Dear Bloggy ,

Today as I looked out my kitchen door I was greeted by a pair of big round eyes . I can't help but smiled and greeted her . She didn't move an inch but stared continuously at me . I don't know what was in her mind but I guess she was asking where in the heavens did I vanish to for the past 1 week . Yep those alley cats are doing fine . Rollicking and having fun in the sun . That's good .

I was thinking out loud what 2011 holds for me and my family . One thing I know I will still be the driver to my children . A hectic schedule beckons me as second son is in Form 5 and will be sitting for his SPM examination .

Only daughter is in Form 4 . So far she is picking up the needle and trying her hand to do simple embroidery stitches . Hope she will get the hang of it and hope it will be a part of her life to fill up her time ...instead of yunno hogging the TV and computer .

Eldest son will have another 1 year to finish up his studies . Hope everything goes well for him . Hope he is winning the battle over the bulge . Yeah I promised him a new set of wardrobe should he beat it . Am so proud of him to pick up the challenge to address his problem .

As for me and hubby ...Insyaallah we will hit the 50 years old mark next year .Insyaallah . We hope to be in the best of health and in ALLAH's grace always .

Just me Bloggy ,


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Week Later ...

Hello there Bloggy ,

A week has gone by since I was wheeled into the operation theater . All sorts of mixed feelings when I was there because the future seemed so uncertain . In ALLAH SWT I trust .

Now am at home . Still taking things easy . I need to recover . To pass time I am doing an embroidery ..cross stitches with the word " Welcome " . I kind of like it .

Welcome to the future . Welcome to good health . Welcome to my family . Welcome New Year 2011 .Welcome Maal Hijrah 1432. The future holds so much hope and promise . Lovely !!!

Cheers to u and me Bloggy .

Just me


Getting There ....

Hello there Bloggy ,

Salam Maal Hijrah 1432 to u and me .

Just want to tell you ...I'm feeling better today ....Syukuralhamdullillah . Whatever its not over yet . Let's hope for the best ya ...I wouldn't want any infection .

Sis Lily called me up all the way from USA . Good of her to say ' Hi ' and to ask how I'm doing . We chatted for a while . Thanks Sis .

I wouldn't want to write so much about the operation . Some things I just want to forget . Now I just want to get back to my old self and be healthy and get to do things that I want to do .

Yes...its going to be a long way to good health .....

Just me , Bloggy .


Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Day At A Time

Dear Bloggy ,

Alhamdullillah I am home now . Am still feeling lousy though . Maybe due to lack of sleep which I tried to get while at the hospital . Just when my eyes were about to close somebody would be entering the room . That would awaken me . And I would have trouble falling asleep again.

I'm taking a day at a time ; relax myself . Got to take care of the food that I am eating . Some could and might cause severe allergies especially when one had just had an operation .

I will be seeing the Doctor again in a week's time . I hope there are good news for me . We gotta pray , ok ?

My hugsssssssssss to all my family members . They are all concerned for my well being . Thanks ...and I love you all.

Just me


Saturday, December 4, 2010

On The Mend

Morning there Bloggy ,

Another 15 minutes and its noon ...and I am still in the hospital .

Where do I begin to update you ?

At about this time yesterday I was wheeled in into the operating theater . Much as I tried not to get myself scared and create unnecessary anxiety , I could hardly control my feelings . I do know what I was in there for . Still the future was a huge question mark . Its not a nice place to be in .

I prayed and stayed hard to be positive . I thought of my mum and tried to be as strong as her . At this time all I need to do is to trust in ALLAH SWT .

The doctor was not there yet . The place was cold and I was shivering . . I could feel myself shaking to the bones creating unnecessary anxiety . Worst I could feel my reflux acting on me . I told the surgery team about it . I told one of them to prop up my pillow because I was not feeling comfortable . And gosh felt like a long time for the doctor to be there .

When he arrived he sedated me immediately . Before I passed out he told me to just sleep . I remembered saying my prayers .

I woke up in my room . I remembered in a daze being wheeled out of the room . Late in the evening the doctor called me up . He told me he so called ' laser ' off the blood vessel that was leaking a little blood . And that the blood that was bothering me yesterday happened to be...yes period .

I hope it is so . We will see how it goes in the next few days . On the other hand I hope I still have enough blood within me .

I gotta rest ...catch an hour or so of sleep before I go off to see the doctor in the afternoon . And perhaps be discharged .

Just me , Bloggy .


Friday, December 3, 2010


Bloggy dear ,

Had just informed the Doctor about the bleeding . He will be coming soon to tend to me .

I gotta be strong Bloggy . Be of positive mind at all times . Am glad I am in the hospital where there are nurses to tend to me should I need help .

We will pray that I get well soon ....Insyaallah ...with God's grace .

Just me


Fourth Day

Morning Bloggy ,

Another day today . Room 225 , Pantai Hospital . Been here ever since I did my operation remove a part of the cervix that has been bothering me for the past 1 month .

Gotta do what I gotta do . The operation went well syukuralhamdullillah .....My daughter Yasmin was with me to assist in whatever she could . Bless her .

Just when I thought all was well and thought I would be discharged yesterday ( 3.12.2010 ) I found out I was bleeding . Which shouldn't be . Immediately I smsed the doctor . And he told me he need to observe me further meaning another day at the hospital .

Later in the morning he attended to me and found out the problem to my blood discharge . He applied something to stop the bleeding . I was hoping it would stop too .

Aiya.....somehow in the middle of the night I felt the need to pee . At the same time I checked on the pad I was using . Yes sir ....the problem is still there .

I'm sure the doctor will come in to see me this morning . We will decide what to do next . The way I see it I might have to go in the operating theater again . Lets hope all goes well this time .

I gotta take care of myself . 2010 has been a pretty miserable year for me wise that is .

All I pray for 2011 is that May ALLAH SWT give me good health . I need that so much .

Just me
