Saturday, November 27, 2010


Hello there Bloggy ,

Syukuralhamdullillah , had a good night rest last night . Before I'm off to do my marketing , just want to share some pixs of my grandniece . She's my late brother's granddaughter .

Taken during our visit to my Aunt's house in Kuala Baram ; Hari Raya Aidil Fitri 2010.

This shot was taken by my son .

She was playing around with a couple of head gears that belongs to my sons .

The pose ....

Finally she's done ......

Hope you like it as much as I do ....

Cheers ..........

Just me


Friday, November 26, 2010

Between My Teacher And My Grandmother .

Dear Bloggy ,

I just want to tell you I called up my old primary school teacher . You must be thinking I am out of my mind to have done so . But that's what I did .

I remembered her , Bloggy . She was my teacher when I first entered school . That was 1968 . I was in Primary 1 . I was 7 years old . You must be asking why I started school pretty late . And not at 4 or 5 years old .

Almost everybody started school at that age , Bloggy . I'm glad I didn't go to any kindergarten . I was stressed free for the first 7 years of my life . A happy childhood ; of running out in the sun and climbing trees and playing in the bushes .

Okay , coming back to my teacher . Her name was Miss Chang ; I don't know her full name . She was always looking neat and proper . She had long hair . Her eyes were big . That stuck in my mind because most of the Chinese folks that I came across had small eyes . So hers was one of a kind .

Miss Chang was my class teacher for 3 years . Of course she was duty bound to teach us how to read , write and count . But most of all I loved her story telling very much . Now the only other person who was that good was my late grandmother ....only that my grandmother told us folk stories in Malay .

However Miss Chang could still beat my grandmother where story telling is concerned . She was good in drawing . It was amazing seeing her transformed the plain blackboard into colorful pictures . If given the chance my grandmother could be as good as that too ; only that I have never seen my grandmother draw or held a chalk in her hand .

One thing for sure , my grandmother drew pictures in my mind to stir up the imaginations about the story she was telling . Oh ya , she was good in sewing too ; of making patchwork and recycling the materials available . And I have never seen Miss Chang held a needle in her hand .

Whatever Bloggy , these two ladies made me into what I am now ...the love for reading and telling stories ...I thanked them for firing up the sleeping cells in my mind to be more imaginative .

Cheerio Bloggy .

Just me ,


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dannok For Lunch

Bloggy dear ,

A whole basket of orchids for you and me . Beautiful ain't it ? Each bunch selling for RM2 . Found at a market in Dannok , Thailand.

While in Dannok , I can't believe I ate this fried ox tongue for lunch . Tasty .....

Sis in law and her family came to visit us . During one of the days we all decided to drive up north to the border . Crossed over and had lunch at Dannok , Thailand the border town .

All because we wanted to taste authentic Thai food . Delicious ....and we never regretted going there . A real thrill . So here's sea food tom yam .

Steam fish .Very delicious ...! Plus a couple of other dishes for lunch . We finished all ...

It took us about an hour an a half from our house in Sg Petani to reach the border . After parking the cars we walked over to the Thai's Immigration post . Quite a queue there as we all lined up to have our passports processed .

A 100 meters away is Dannok Town . Business is flourishing on the Thai's side . A real hustle and bustle and jam packed people of a town . Full of vehicles and that meant pollution ...both noise and air . Our side of the border ...Bukit Kayu Hitam is quiet . Such a contrast . The air is cleaner too ...Thank God for that .

Bloggy , at the Thai Immigration post each of us had to put in RM1 inside our passport . A friend had told my hubby to do that . If we didn't do that the guy manning the station will purposely delay in processing your passport .

In my case the officer asked for a RM1 . I had put that ringgit on another page and the officer didn't see that . He flipped thru the pages, found it saying he did not see it in the first place .

Much as I wanted to ask him why I need to give him, common sense told me to seal my lips never know ...these guys can whipped up a story just to get even with me. I might find myself staying a night in Dannok's jail .

Honestly that was plain day light robbery or is it bribery ...? Can u imagine the amount of Ringgit Malaysia they all raked in with the thousands of Malaysians passing thru the border ?

I'm not sure if that RM1 applies to us Malaysians only . Maybe their own citizens are spared . Anyway that happened on that part of the border ....not on the Malaysian side . I am glad for that .

More flowers for you and me bloggy dear . Gotta scoot now .

Just me


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happenings ....

Good Morning Bloggy ,

A bright and sunny day outside . Nice day to do some work out of the house ...just to make some sweat before I take my bath . But before that I got to share with you what I did during the recent Deepavali .

Of course we all know who celebrated this occasion . WELL you know me ...the kepoh kind ....I MUST be there to see how my Hindu neighbors celebrate the occasion .

A frenzy of shopping , cleaning up the house , baking and letting of fire works at midnight are typical Malaysian scenes . That was what my neighbors did . Friends and families gather for prayers ; for the departed souls on Deepavali eve .

well...I had a fare share of tasting Indian delicacies early on Deepavali morning . Given by my neighbors . So sweet of them . Then I did my fair share of baking some cakes for each of my close neighbors . Never did this kind of slaving away in the kitchen for a whole day . Served me right for not baking any earlier .

At night I went to another part of the town . Now this place is well known for its vibrant lights during Deepavali . Since that particular stretch of 40 link houses are Hindus , you can imagine the rows and rows of decorated and colorful lights from each house . It was just beautiful .

And yunno what Bloggy , I managed to visit a couple of houses . I don't know these people . They invited me to come in . So I went in . And I got the chance to taste the local Indian delicacies like Marukku .

Nice people . Typical of us Malaysians to be kind on such festivities . I had so much fun . Fun in the sense that I gate crashed into people's houses which I had not done for such a long time . Last I did that was during Hari Raya Aidil Fitri when I was a kid ....

I hope to have nice day today too . Sunny day for the whole day as I have a couple of stuff I need to dry out in the sun.

Just me


Not Again ......!

Dear Bloggy ,

This evening as I walked out to my car ...I smelled that sickening smell . A cat's smell , one had done its business spraying away nicely . I can't determine the exact spot . Its somewhere among my pots of plants and my outside wall...or is it at my car tyres ?

Noooooo....not again . I had just cleaned up this morning . And this stupid dumb dumb male cat had the liberty to declare the space is his to do his business .

I'm gonna get you ...that I promised .

So he thinks he can hide from me . Bet he thinks I appreciate that broken souvenir of his . I can be evil and brutal...wait till I get my hands on this dumb ungrateful cat .!

Bloggy , my patience is running thin ....

Just me

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

You Again ....!

Hello there again Bloggy ,

Its me your annoying shadow . I have been pretty busy the whole morning .

Thank God for this Indonesian lady who came in now and then to help me in cleaning the place up . We did the work together so that more things could be done . I am pleased with the results .

The house was swept and mopped . The front yard and back portion of the house was scrubbed . Along the way some things that were a sore to the eyes were chugged out ...and this lady picked these up . Well , like the saying goes's man trash is another man's treasure .

Bloggy dear , the year 2010 is coming to a close . 2011 is a mere doorstep away . I reflected on the achievements that I have done ; none so far that I could be proud of . Its still not too late ain't it to embark on something . In the mean time I will continue dreaming .

Gotta go bloggy .

Cheers ...

Just me

Hello Blog

Hello Blog ,

High 5 to you and me . A pat on my back ...pat pat pat !

I told myself I got to start writing again . Just so that my mind is constantly on the move and not be stagnant . Lately I have some trouble ...keep on forgetting things . Worst is I stopped in mid sentence at times ...thinking hard what is it that I want to say . Don't you think that's terrible ?

Okay ...I got to stop here . But its great to finally take the plunge and write ....

Just me