Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ramadhan 1432H / 2011

Dearest Blog ,

How time flies . A year had gone by and now we are welcoming the month of Ramadhan . Fasting time fo the Muslims in the world . Prayers to do in this holy month . I hope to redeem what I had missed last year .

Welcome Ramadhan . I look forward to fast and not feast ....lots of prayers to thank ALLAH SWT too .....

At this time last year I was in a terrible state . Problems with my period and had reflux of the oesophagus . I was practically in and out of the hospital . I could hardly have a good night sleep . My hormones was acting up ...and there was one point when I had to take a sleeping pill .

That didn't knock me out . And I had a terrible hangover the next day . Feeling dizzy . Worst I had to send my children to school . Am lucky  nothing happened to us on the way . Not an advisable thing to do . Dr kevin said something was wrong when after consuming the pill I was still not able to sleep . I stopped taking and threw the whole bunch out .

Yunno at times I was just happy and glad to be admitted  in the hospital ...there  I could sleep and rest ...I was that stressed out .

Till then bloggy ...


Friday, July 15, 2011


Dear Bloggy ,

Ages ya since we last meet up . Am here ...doing fine ...plenty to write actually .but I did not get back to u . The laziness is creeping in...oh wow .. I hate that .

My house is in a terrible state ...every nooks and corners are in an unsightly and distasteful state . Each day I get to clear a part of that junk...hoping to finish off and get back my house . Ohhh how I wish it look as neat and beautiful 2 years ago . No , did not manage to do that . Sighhhhh....

Oh ya gotta  finish off my writing and sending cards to a few friends who are celebrating their 50th birthday this year . Mainly those who were my classmates in primary school . Am glad we are all still in touch . The wonderful world of modern technology...ya we kind of tracked each other down thru Facebook .

Till then Bloggy ....