Sunday, May 6, 2012

Going For His Dreams

Dear Bloggy ,

Soon there will only be 3 of us in this house . Only daughter , hubby and me .

Second son will be leaving home . To further his studies . Detaching himself slowly from me . A slight twinge of pain in my heart , Bloggy . But I have to let him go ., go for his dreams , make it big and make an impact in whatever he is doing .

A mother's wish is he will be successful in whatever he undertakes , never QUIT , strive and work hard . You just got to survive to live well later on . There is only so much parents can do for their children  . Education was and is our priority . 

Don't forget ALLAH SWT my son ALLAH SWT always . 

My hugs and kisses to you always , my son .

Warmest love ,


Sunday, April 29, 2012

Here And There....

Dear Bloggy , I was in Miri last week . Home sweet home ..enjoying the company of love ones . felt good to be able to do so . Returned home yesterday ...the flight to Penang was delayed by about an hour . And we were sitting in the plane waiting patiently for take off . Reached home at about 1.30pm. The house was MESSY.......!and my plants were dying . Now I am at Pantai Hospital . Waiting for my daughter . She have this ganglion thing that needs to be removed . Luckily its on her left wrist . Its gonna slow down her sewing activities no doubt . Whatever I hope all goes well for her . Insyaallah ..... Will update you aain , Bloggy .

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Dear Bloggy ,

Yesterday I dropped by at that Handicraft Shop again . Purchased a pink color felt . Hubby saw it and commented ...Again ? Yep I said ...since I'm in the mood to sew .

Yeah .....I did it again . Made another 4 hearts ornaments . Took me the whole day . Of course there is the constant break ...of going to the kitchen , of washing dishes , of folding clothes then I continued with my project again . Cute ain't it ?

So now I am occupied in making the felt ornaments . I have to finish off the materials that I had bought . There are so many images that I downloaded so am sure I will not run out of ideas .

So gotta stop now .

Bye .


Sunday, April 1, 2012

April 2012

Hello Bloggy ,

April ? U got to be kidding . 

I have not gotten any further in making and getting my house  into  shape . Make it neat and beautiful and a place I am proud of . WHat a shame ...indeed .

In another 4 months we Muslims would be ushering the month of Ramadhan . A time for us to fast for a month . Insyaallah my family will be off to Miri to celebrate the HAri Raya Aidil Fitri with family members . Nothing beats home . In the mean time the need to make some new baju kurungs ...

Will continue again Bloggy ....



Thursday, March 29, 2012

Me and Miss LOL ...

Dear Bloggy ,

Well that's the project that I was talking about . Looks kind of cute to me ..

So here it is ...attached to my bag . The whole thing is so ME .

Am feeling so inspired . Will do more .

Till then Bloggy .



Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Feeling Better...

Dear Bloggy ,

Alhamdullillah feeling better for the past 2 weeks. That feeling of being tired and drained of energy is hopefully not to be experienced anymore  . Oh ya ,  the phlegm is still there ...though not so bad as before . The need to be careful and choosy where fruits are concerned . What a shame ....fresh tropical fruits are good and delicious .

So what's next ?

Yesterday I bought some felt and a few other stuff to start off a new hobby. Daughter Yasmin has been making little key chains out of felt . She sold some of the things  she made . I know I could do the same thing too . So when she suggested she would like to get some stuff at this Handicraft shop ....I decided to follow suit . Before I know it I was buying  whatever that caught my fancy . In all I spent about RM80 . Yeah , I better make full use of those materials .

Once home I started to choose and make a template . The cat template looked kinda cute . Preparing and cutting and sewing and by today's afternoon I completed a piece.

No image of that little felt key chain taken yet. A labour of love and hard work ..straining my eyes. Somehow it didn't turn out to look like a cat ...more of an Owl. The big eyes looked scary ...said my daughter and she was sure it will not be a hit among her friends .

Its alright least I completed a piece ...a couple of embroidery stitches used in this project ...trying to make it as neat as possible . Well , its hanging near the zip on the bag I am currently using. The whole thing...the bag and that pretty little thing is so .....Me.

A pat on the back for me , Bloggy for a job well done .

Now I gotta move on and make my house as cosy and neat as it used to . Bye....


Friday, March 16, 2012

Down Again

Dear Bloggy,

Am still feeling lousy , Bloggy. Dead tired at times too , that I just got to take a rest and curled myself up and let the exhaustion passed by .

Had seen the Doctors and given 4 dose of antibiotics. An overdose if I may say so and no sign of losing up . My body is one big mess of toxic chemicals. Just when is it going to be okay ?

One Doctor said I am all stressed up. Perhaps too. As I grow older , my way of handling stress is not good. At times I need help with certain chores in the house . Sure the children helped out . It was just not consistent in their helping ...the same task and always the need to remind them all the time . In the end the task fell on me . And I just swallowed it all up . long could this body , soul and mind take the whole load . Its breaking down , protesting all the way .

I saw another ENT specialist. I had a slight pain in my right ear . The Doctor said it was not so bad . I told him aout all the medications I had taken all this time .The never ending rounds of fever which comes back the moment the medication wore off....the constant phlegm which irritates my throat ....the now and then sorethroat and coughing . All those medications doesn'tseem to be doing any good .

I will continue again the mean time I am going to enjoy listening to some long ago music . Stirring up memories indeed .
